25 Random Things About Me!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to the "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1.I don't eat carrots.
2. I had my girls 2 years in a row. I gave birth to bloom march 2005 and katrini on November 2006 ('talking about hard-working parents eh?)
3.I recently turned 28 and my mantra is: Looking great @ 28.. (ga rhyme pna ya). my birthday resolution as i put it is: Not to Think evil and Speak evil.. (be the lesser evil that I can be) wohoo!
4. I used to weigh 48 kgs and i'm inevitably growing every year (in all aspects) I'm frustrated everytime my pants and shirts 'shrink' cz it only means that my body expands.. grr
5.I was the Ms. LCC 8 years ago.
6. The voice on the answering machine of L'Fisher Hotel is mine. That's where i worked after i graduated from college.
7. I wear socks to bed and could not sleep without a blanket no matter how searing it is..
8. I don't cook but i fry.
9. I can't sustain a day without coffee. I breathe coffee.. My pee sometimes smells like coffee na.
10. My ultimate desire is to be a mutant.I wonder why i wasn't born one.
11. I believe that aliens exist and so as the presense of any other life form in the universe.
12. I strongly think that i'm a nymph in my past life. A divinity of nature dwelling in the mountains, forest or water ..not trees. haha
13. I was a title-holder 7 years ago and garnered the Ms. Smart and Ms. Photogenic award as well. hihi
14.I consider my involuntary remarks as brisk lucidity.
15.I realized that some of my intial judgements on people were never accurate and i never hesitate to change my line of sight once i figured .
16.I get sick if i cannot eat junk foods in a week. I 'm worst when i'm hungry.
17.It's been more than 4 years since i refrained myself from drinking cold water.
18. I still can't swim despite the two swimming lessons that i've had.
19.i did not take any formal driving lessons. Javin taught me so don't wonder why up to now i still can't park the car appropriately. haha
20.Reading is my passion. Alternative is music. Literature is LOVE. DVD marathon is Therapy
21.I took up BS Architecture during the 1st 2 years of my college life and graduated 2 years later with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts major In English.
22. I resent the fact that i can't say No or refuse any favors upfront from the people i care about that i sometimes end up being rueful for having wings and halo at birth.
23. I own a smart, globe and sun number.
24. I value friendship and relationship a lot. I don't care what you were and who you were before we met. Who doesn't have a skeleton in their closet? But I expect you to be honest with me cz i'll stand up for you no matter what. I hate broken promises. I don't like people who can't keep their words. I'm evil when provoked.I despise self-righteous ppl. I scorn women whose actions contradict their attitude.
25. People's first impression of me is always wrong. I'm not Ms. Prim & Proper. I only look sweet and innocent. I'm only half as snobbish as i look. I'm complicated and eccentric.