When It Rains,
It Pours…
It has been raining hard since the morn. It is said that when it rains, it pours… Indeed,
it does. In my case, it pours right straight into my purse.
Earlier, I received a call bearing the wonderful news …
and I am extremely grateful and equally amazed, as always, as to how JUST and POWERFUL
our GOD is.
28342480. Yes, I got it! What can you say? Cat got your
30% goes to my guide, a few percent for the lady in
waiting, and another cut from the predestined levy… Let’s say: Give or Take I’m
overly blessed today. (Do the math, don’t
forget the 2834248 you owe my guide, okay?)
Now, this may not be a lot for YOU (shout out to those who were unfoundedly stupid!), but the thing is
I placed the boot in your arse! Yes, I
dribbled the ball and kicked you in the rear (what a nice way of putting it.)
Today, I am happier and YOU (plural) gained another point for sucking so bad in whatever you
are doing and for what you have been doing for some time now. I pity the
bandwagon that you’re with. Truth is, you have aided them BIG TIME in throwing
away their dough… this is not the first – I know. (soon enough, they’ll come to
their senses (will they?) and YOU …
will be off to somewhere you have never travelled… and I guarantee YOU that the
journey you‘ll traverse leads to a rocky
and deserted road. (Hello, KARMA!)
I am in a good place (literally
and figuratively speaking). I may be penniless but not destitute as YOU
have been (drowning in the deep sea). I
may have appeared feeble, yet my pride is still intact (yours?).
Emily Dickinson defined Hope as the thing with feathers and said that: “the sweetest—in the Gale—is heard”.
HOPE always means
a lot to those who are down in the dumps. People change, you grasp for your
friends – you know in your heart that you cannot compel them and lord knows I
never want to subject any of mine… yet, sometimes, when you’re in deep shit,
you get to see the totality of a person, you get to know who wish to stay or who
simply take the safe road—while others have shown the distinctiveness of their hypocrisy
from the start---what’s that again?! Oh, Once a douche bag is always a douche bag!
Mark my word!
Like Emily, I’ve managed to hang on with the hope of
another day… with the faith given by real friends, and with the optimism of
those who want to help beyond any circumstances. Hope guided me… and led me to
GOD’s promise that one day soon…” He will pay
back trouble to those who trouble you for He is a just GOD” (2 Thessalonians 1:6).
Numbers are Numbers but beyond all these? What does that
make YOU?
A Laughingstock? Most likely.
Remember your words and remember the numbers: It’s not 20461 like Jean Valjean’s… it’s
larger, BIGGER and costly. Not only it’s going to be in your head for a while, but
you will also be tagged as the dim-witted fool who lost because YOU made
yourself Queen… Queen of hogs & insolvents.
Now, I’ve known my friends, I have my friends (Do you have yours?) I held my head high
because YOU have once again made a fool of yourself. As everyone laughs behind
your back (as they always do). I am as
well smiling and CRUSHING (conquering)!
Everybody raise a Glass to
my friends and family! Our God is really really good and I am eternally
grateful for your friendship and love throughout this ordeal... *sob* so, this
is how it feels to kick the butts of the unscrupulous dimwits, huh?!
I fell upon this quote from Coco J. Ginger
last week, and this is for YOU:
me rise like smoke from fire.
Watch me fly above your hate.
Watch me dance upon your meanness
like a ballerina with posture; grace.
Watch me laugh over your hatred;
watch me soar above your sea of grief.
And know that I am out there somewhere…
C R U S H I N G.” ― Coco J. Ginger
Watch me fly above your hate.
Watch me dance upon your meanness
like a ballerina with posture; grace.
Watch me laugh over your hatred;
watch me soar above your sea of grief.
And know that I am out there somewhere…
C R U S H I N G.” ― Coco J. Ginger
*YOU denotes to the person or people