Thursday, January 15, 2009

Once A Princess

February 18th, 2007

Once A Princess

Posted by cookiesanicas

She stares blankly at the wall
each day
Seeing nothing but emptiness
and sorrow

Her eyes are as gray as the
shade of ashes
Revealing something so deep

and overpowering.

She is trapped in her own
world of fantasy,

A castle, whose walls are
waning tremendously,
A swept of memory embraces her

own fragility,
Of a life once lived. Idyllic

and in tranquility.

The child keeps on crying and whimpering
The reverberation so deafening and infuriating,
Within her most frail gestures the sound’s recurring
Her complete senses are all but declining.

Boiling every drops of sanity
in her blood
A damp of cold rushed and enveloped
her whole being,
Awakening each suppressed

Growing, confounding and, too compelling

Images permeates through the
deepest recesses of her troubled mind,
Gravely trying to understand

the dilemma that binds,
All the muddled mess that
encompasses her soul
Yet nothing, not even the gods
can undo the odds
Trapped, ensnared and forever
a prisoner in such a predicament so hard.

Gathering all the audacity
that her feeble mind can muster,
She stepped out of her lonely

Lit a cigarette and puffed in wonder..
Along the stinking aroma of
tobacco that she could ever breathe out--
Her troubles are slowly

Soothing.. relaxing.. and yes,

For in this lowly luxury alone

can she find complete serenity,
All the power to recapture the

senses and her very sanity.
Slowly, as utterly as it
overcame her senses,
She gathered all of her
totality, and fair enough,

She managed.. yes indeed, she managed.

It was all she needed, a
breath of fresh air..

For in her deepest collection
of suppressed sensitivity,
Beneath the overpowering

emotions she is heavily hurdling,
There lies a defeated shadow
of a heart that is truly hurting.

And as she took the little one
and cradled her back in her arms,
She battled the building 
emotion that is steadily seeping wide & far,

As she rocks back n forth for
sleep to befall,



That’s when a vision of smoke
snowed under her eyes.
Recalling... but, refusing...

That once upon her life, she was Once A Princess ... after all.

Ode To A Princess..

One Response to ' Once A Princess '

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  1. Michael said,

    on February 20th, 2007 at 8:10 am
    Wow. . .
    Would somebody please throw a dictionary at me?
    (ok, don’t aim it on my head, i meant to catch it, sheesh ~_~;)
    hullo ^_^ since i you can’t comment on my blog, i’ll comment on yours =D
    (life is fair, ain’t it? =P)
    Smokin’ princess =P
    Sweet poetry,
    thoughts & emotions carried nicely ;-)

**content: .... and as i've said, i'm moving forward.. so redirecting all entries to this site.. :)

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