It’s quite odd when you wake up one morning and you came to grasp the spasms of reality that life indeed is a one hell of a big hoax.. Full of complexities, deceptions, pains, regrets and not to mention the added adversities that it brings to spice it up even more (phew!).
Gone were the days when I was the typical radical teenage drama queen, who always tries to make a fuss about anything, from the way things are running,
with how certain I am that life will be better when I’m finally out to live out my dreams. I was so sure of the promise of life’s beauty then that I was having the itch into living my dream and sally forth to where I wanted to be..
I was the impetuous and the reckless person that I am, fate was so kind then, and I was in for a complete ennui. Things were so trouble-free; Pursuits were so effortless, Plans were definitely all uncomplicated.
It finally came to me that at length I was living the life that I’ve wanted. I was so carefree with the boundless happiness that I’ve gotten hold of. Decisions were made, muddled preferences took hold and at such a short notice everything starts to fall down the drain..
Things that I haven’t appreciated much then turned out to be the things that I’m longing so much now.. The completeness and the wholeness of my family is one thing. What used to be a not-so-perfect bond but a happy and comforting atmosphere, that at times irritated my sense of eccentricity, was the one thing that I solely miss..So much that I’d give anything if there’s an only way to breathe life into that moment.

In a matter of four years, life changed gradually and drastically. Steadily, we were growing far from each other.. Physically. and at a snail’s pace….Emotionally…
The Unwavering Light journeyed to a far-flung
land in pursuit of a bigger hope, The Compelling brood came to toil in a not so distant realm in quest for independence, The Supple and Cunning o
ne was given the stroke of luck to set eyes on the so-called-bigger hope with The Unwavering Light, The Upstanding Wall hang about with the two remaining broods, The Clever Ripened Shrew and The Little Sagacious One.
Each has his own yarn to weave, own battle to fight, specific war to win and a special race to contend. For in every chase of strong wind comes the storm, and for
every storm comes the subtle obliteration of the strong binding force… for it is how the rainwater starts to seep through the peg of the strong binding force ,and started to weaken the link between the beams ,that provoked it all…
The Unwavering Light and The Supple and Cunning One are still seizing the promise of a bigger hope.. Though Life hasn’t been on cloud nine for them, they’re still pulling through..digging up strength from each other and from the yearning of being whole again with the rest of the fraction.
The Clever Ripened Shrew and The Little Sagacious One are now in place in the land of the promise.. Who would ever think that The Clever Ripened Shrew would turn out to be the most steadfast brood beyond this entire ordeal? To think that The Little Sagacious One is under Her care aside from Her own progeny to take care of… indeed She’s ripened after all.
The Upstanding Wall is in for an unfathomable dilemma, after going through a wits blow, His understanding was manipulated by those worthless and rubbish kith and kin for a reason that only their one-dimensional mind could ever understand. They turned Him away from His broods.. instilling absurdity in His feeble thinking. Their actions are awfully uncalled for.. It’s so sickening that it’s tearing me apart. Let God’s wraths assess their feat.
Of what became of The Compelling One, is what I’m going to recount next.. for the meantime, let me disclose this to you..
The Winning Horse doesn’t know why it runs a RaceIt runs because of the whip and pain.Life is like a Race, if you are in painThen clearly, God wants You to win…
So you see, this entire mishap is just A Temporary Setback.. A Momentary Loss.. and till then… The Compelling One shall remain.. struggling and resilient… and still trying hard to understand ...
When It Was When All The Laughters Died…..
**content still brings tears to my eyes..
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